Study In Australia

Australia is the land of paradise with so many attractive tourist places and one of the epic education destinations.


Study In Australia from Nigeria

Australia is the land of paradise with so many attractive tourist places and one of the epic education destinations. The country is a perfect place for people who love to explore the world’s natural beauty, as it is filled with so many exotic locations ranging from stunning wildlife, breezy beaches, calm islands to marvelous buildings like the Sydney Opera house, etc.

Australia stands tall on the educational front by owning over 11,000 institutions and 22,000 courses to offer. Most of its universities rank top in the QS world ranking system making it the third most popular education destination.
Australia has over 20 international universities, thus attracting over 35,000 international students every year.
The country offers the best academic environment encouraging students to study and gain practical knowledge. They are also often encouraged to challenge professors to be confident in their approach. Thus, by studying in Australia, international students have a lot of advantages such as access to many part-time jobs and scholarships.

They also get to pay less tuition fees, making it the perfect dream education destination for international students to study in Australia
Fortunately, studying in Australia has become an achievable dream for Nigerian students and many international students.

Why Did You Choose to Study in Australia?

There are many reasons why an international student would select Australia as their study destination. So here we share the top reasons why Australia has become the hotspot for overseas students after the US and the UK. Since English is the mainstream language of conducting education, it is also another reason for students to choose to study in Australia. Many other languages are also prevalent in the Australian country, like Greek, Italian, Arabic, Mandarin, Cantonese, and Vietnamese, which makes it also a Multilingual country, making it easy for other country’s citizens to communicate and have a successful career easily.

Let us now see the top reasons to study in Australia for International students.

Top-level universities

As mentioned earlier, Australia has one of the best universities ranking high in the QS ranking. It has 43 universities in total, out of which 40 is Australian, 2 international and 1 private university.

Diverse Culture

Australia is not home to one particular culture but many. The diverse culture helps you not get easily bored of the country, instead feel excited and keep you on your toes as some celebrations are happening in the country all seasons of the year.

The Stunning Outdoors

If you are a travel enthusiast, you will fit in the Australian country. You have many places to explore from the beaches to mountains, oceans to galleries which keep you occupied in your holidays.

Straightforward Student Visa

It is easy to get an Australian student visa if you have the proper and correct documents. Also, students need to get their medical insurance when applying for the student visa.


Many universities in Australia offer students the chance to practice internships as part of the course. So, if this benefit interests you, be sure to check the same in your desired university.

Dynamic City Life

The city life in Australia will be as colorful as you can expect. You can travel to neighboring cities easily as the Australian transportation system has been upgraded to high-tech. So, you can be confident you can have an experience of a lifetime with so many memories to cherish.

Being in Australia, you can also expect to experience the diverse wildlife, the outback bushes and the distinguished architecture, which will steal your attention. For international students in Australia, it will be like living their best days of life and creating some good memories to cherish.

How is the Education System in Australia?

The Education System in Australia is like any other education system elsewhere. Also, it is the same across all states and territories of Australia.

The Education System in Australia is broadly classified into four categories:

Primary6 to 13Kindergarten to Standard 7
Secondary14 to 16Standard 8 to 10
Senior Secondary School17 to 18Standard 11 and 12
Tertiary EducationFrom 18Includes both Higher Education (College) and Vocational Education and Training (VET).

What are the Admission Requirements in Australia

The admission requirements for getting into the Australian universities vary depending upon the study program you choose. The English Language Proficiency exam (IELTS, TOEFL) scores also vary for each type of degree. Although the admission requirements or the admission procedures also vary from university to university, it is better to do a thorough study or research on the admission requirements before planning your overseas education travel.

Still, we will provide you with general conditions that are most commonly expected from the Australian Universities.

When you are applying for a course, you must submit your class Xth, XIIth and UG degree certificates and the application form.

What are the Exams required to study in Australia?

To study in Australia, you need to pass specific exams. These are English proficiency exams that test your English skills in Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. You need not take all the exams but must attend one of the exams and score the average band or score.

ExamAbbreviationAverage Band or Score
IELTSInternational English Language Testing System6.5
TOEFLTest of English as a Foreign Language60 to 90
PTEThe Pearson Test of English50 to 64
CAECertificate in Advanced English169 to 176
OETOccupational English TestA or B

What are the best Universities in Australia?

Now let us see the top ten universities in Australia for international students to study. Along with the listing, we have also given the QS ranking system for all universities.

Australian RankUniversity
1Australian National University
2University of Sydney
3University of Melbourne
4University of New South Wales
5University of Queensland
6Monash University
7University of Western Australia
8University of Adelaide
9University of Technology, Sydney
10University of Wollongong
11Edith Cowan University
12La Trobe University
13Flinders University

How Much Does It Cost to Study in Australia?

The average cost to study in Australia depends on the study programs and the university/college you choose.
Because each university charges differently for the same course depending on their university infrastructure, lab facilities, library, food, transportation, etc.

Study ProgramFees Cost (AUD $) Per Year
Secondary Education$ 7800 to $ 30,000
Undergraduate Bachelor Degree$ 15,000 to $ 33,000 per year
Post-graduate Master’s Degree$20,000 to $37,000
Doctoral Degree$17,000 to $37,000
MBA$15,000 to $20,000

Cost of Living in Australia

The cost of living in Australia varies from city to city. It also depends on the life you choose for yourself in the country.
So, we are listing the average cost of living in Australia after researching so much about it. The cost of living in Australia is precisely mentioned in the table below.

ItemsAverage Living Costs (AUD $) Per Week
Groceries, and Living costs$ 80 to $280
Gas and Electricity$35 to $140
Phone and Internet$20 to $55
Public Transport$15 to $55
Car$150 to $260
Entertainment$80 to $150

Scholarships for International Students in Australia

Below are the Scholarships for International students in Australia provided by both the Australian Government and Private Universities.

Students can utilize the scholarships to access ample funds and monetary benefits.

How Health Insurance Works in Australia

To stay in Australia; International Students need Health insurance coverage. The Insurance is called Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC). This OSHC will help the students throughout their stay in Australia get medical aid and service without any trouble.  Students need to purchase their Health insurance before departing their country or can get health insurance through their education providers.

There is also an exception for certain country citizens like Belgian Students, Swedish students, and Norwegian students. The Australian government takes care of their medical aid through particular health insurance policies.

Currently, there are five organizations in Australia that offer Overseas Student Health Cover to International Students.

This is how Health Insurance works in Australia. To need more info students can explore our blogs on Health Insurance Coverage in Australia.

How can I get a Student Visa for Australia?

To get a Student Visa in Australia, students need to follow a specific protocol regulated by the Australian Government.
Below are the steps students need to follow to get their Students Visa for Australia.

What are the Best Courses in Australia?

There are many courses to study in Australia to commence your career. You can also get a PR, Permanent Residency by studying those courses with high value and recognition in Australia.
We are listing some of the top or popular courses to study in Australia with national recognition and international/global acknowledgement or value.

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