Canada Visitor Visa


Canada Visitor Visa

Canada is home to millions of visitors each year. In fact, more than 35 million people visit Canada every year to enjoy the many opportunities the country has to offer, including visiting family and friends. If you wish to come to Canada for a temporary purpose, you may need a TRV, unless you are a citizen from a “visa exempt” country.

Do I Need a Tourist Visa to Visit Canada?

Before starting the Canada visitor visa application process, it’s important to understand whether you need one or not before entering Canada. In other cases, you may need an Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) to travel.

What Is A Canadian TRV (Visitor Visa)?

A Canada Visitor Visa also referred to as a Temporary Resident Visa (TRV) or Canada Tourist Visa, is an official document issued by a Canadian visa office that is placed in your passport to show that you have met the requirements for admission to Canada as a temporary resident (either as a visitor, a student, or a worker).

Types of Canada Visitor Visas


Study: This permit allows students to study in Canada for a temporary period of time, and typically indicates the educational institution they are attending and the course of study.

Work: A Canadian work permit is a visa that gives you permission to take a job within Canada if you are from a foreign country. You usually need a work permit to work in Canada.

Temporary Resident: Temporary residence status refers to people who wish to come to Canada to visit, work or study. They are coming to Canada for a temporary period and are therefore considered visitors.

Business: This visa allows eligible applicants to explore dynamic business opportunities throughout Canada as well as experience Canadian culture.

How Long Can I Stay in Canada on a Tourist Visa?

Most visitors can stay for up to 6 months in Canada. At the port of entry, the immigration border services may allow you to stay for less or more than 6 months. Once you are given a period of stay, they’ll put the date you need to leave in your passport. The immigration officer might also give you a document called a visitor record, which will show the date you need to leave by.

Canada Tourist Visa Requirements

To qualify for a TRV, there are a few basic requirements you must meet which include:

How to Apply for a Tourist Visa in Canada

There are three major steps to successfully applying for Canada Visitor Visa. These steps include:

Step 1: Check if you’re eligible to travel to Canada

Step 2: Gather all your supporting documents 

Step 3: Apply Online

Documents Required For Canada Tourist Visa

There are five major documents you are required to show when applying for a TRV. Note that each immigration case is a little different depending on your specific situation, but generally, you should have the following documentation when applying for a ‘Temporary Resident Visa’ in Canada.

Canada Visitor Visa Checklist
  1. Proof of your ties to your home country
  2. Proof of funds for your visit to Canada
  3. ID such as a passport or county resident card
  4. A letter of invitation from the person inviting you to come to Canada
  5. Proof that you will be staying in Canada only on a temporary basis 


Note: There may be other documents and information that you may need. Individuals must obtain a TRV before departure from their home country. Individuals cannot obtain a TRV upon arrival in Canada.

Visitor Visa Extensions: Can I Extend My Canada Visitor Visa Status?

If you are in Canada on a visitor visa and wish to apply for an extension of your stay in Canada, you need to get visitor status. You can apply for visitor status from within Canada at a Canadian immigration office. However, you should apply before the expiration of your current visitor status. As a general note, when you come to Canada as a ‘visitor’, you will be given visitor status for a six month period. If your visitor status expires but you have already applied for an extension and are waiting for your renewal, you have what is called implied status, until a final decision is made on your extension application. If your application for an extension is refused, you can apply for restoration of status, so long as your application is made within 90 days of the refusal date.

How to Extend a Canadian Visitor Visa

If you’re currently in Canada and want to stay longer than your visa’s expiration date, you could file for an extension. In order to apply for an extension, you will need to fill out an IMM 5708 Form.

If your application to extend your stay in Canada is approved, you will receive a visitor record.

A visitor record:

  • is a document that says how long you can stay in Canada
  • includes an expiry date and that’s the date that you must leave Canada.


A visitor record does not guarantee entry to Canada. If you plan to travel outside Canada or the United States, you need a valid entry document to return to Canada.

What are the Requirements to Extend a Canada Visitor Visa?

Canada Visitor Visa Restoration

Once your current visitor visa expires, you are no longer to extend your visitor visa. If you want to stay in Canada then you will have to apply to restore your status or you will have to leave Canada. You have to apply for a Restoration of Status within 90 days of your visitor visa expiration date. 

Restoration of Status Requirements

Pay Restoration Fees

Provide details on:

Why Seeking Professional Immigration Help is Important

While the procedures for applying for a Canadian Visitor Visa may seem uncomplicated, some applicants apply without seeking any help from an immigration consultant, thinking that they can ‘do it themselves’.

For TRV applications, there is actually a higher risk of refusal in cases where the application is not properly prepared. The standards are very high. We find that the number one reason why applications are denied is due to forms not being correctly filled out.

It is a shame when someone can not fulfill their dreams because of one missed ‘dotted i’ or ‘crossed t’. You can increase your chances at getting an approval on your TRV applications with the assistance of professional immigration professionals.

Why Hire Us to Help You With Your TRV Applications?

Many of our clients are happy to relieve themselves of the headaches of preparing paperwork and having to deal with government red tape by outsourcing this work to our professional team of immigration professionals. It is extremely satisfying to see our clients enter Canada with a Canadian Visitor Visa to see their family and friends or to travel through Canada’s wonderful landscape without all the hassles of filing tons of complicated paperwork. We have literally helped many people successfully visit Canada, and even though no one can promise any guarantees, we are certain we can help you increase your chances with our extensive experience.

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